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Published May 26, 2022 by Brina Morales



A new plan designed to increase access to green space, 改善空气质量和增加哈里斯县的交通选择正在向前推进.

The 哈里斯 County Commissioners Court recently approved an initial $53 million for 哈里斯 County Toll Road Authority’s “Tollways to Trailways” plan. 它包括236英里的主动交通项目,目标是增加铁路的可达性, 自行车道, 公园, transit hubs, schools 和 communities. 

According to HCTRA’s planning document, the agency has identified 22 “quick win” projects, projects with less hurdles 和 higher community benefits, with an estimated cost of $131 million. 项目包括增加从Mercer Botanic Gardens到Lents Family Park到Cypress Creek Greenway的西部延伸,以及从Middlebrook Drive到Deer Park的Battleground高尔夫球场的太空中心大道的小径. 

Map of proposed Tollways to Trailways projects (Courtesy: HCTRA)

批准的初始资金将用于设计和实施一些速胜项目,以及哈里斯县范围内休斯顿到加尔维斯顿步道项目的部分项目. 休斯顿到加尔维斯顿步道的重点是在解放公园和梅森公园之间建立一个安全的连接.

There are an additional 41 projects with an estimated cost of $470 million. The HCTRA says collaboration, 该计划要取得成功,就需要伙伴关系和公众投入. 

额外的步道只会增加该地区广阔的步道和自行车道系统. 在一个 脸谱网 post reacting to a Houston Chronicle editorial, Precinct 1 Commissioner Rodney Ellis praised the project writing, “I think the Tollways to Trailways project is a game-changer. 哈里斯县可以成为为Hga010皇冠软件下载的居民提供变革性交通解决方案的领导者.”

Learn more about living in Houstontransportation infrastructure across the region.

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Quality of Life

Galveston’s Coastal Barrier Project Receives $500K in Funding

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